During the 2024 Awards event, Francis McMahon urged the students to become the person for others that his sales manager had been for him. “Dream superlarge,” he told them, but at the same time, “be humble” and respectful of everyone else.
“Just be kind,” McMahon said. “It’s really that simple.”
GCSF saluted another Canon executive, Tonya Powers, Senior Director of Marketing, with a special award for spearheading the Foundation’s 2024 fundraising.
Diane Romano described the Foundation as “the center of a wheel” that unites students, donors, mentors, and employers in the common cause of education. Besides raising money for scholarships, GCSF provides technical training, mentorships, and work/study opportunities for students pursuing careers in the industry. It partners in many of these efforts with the Advertising Club of New York (APC-NYC), which endows the APC Judy Salmon Scholarship Award.
Working as volunteers without professional staff or dedicated office space, the members of GCSF’s Board of Directors channel all of the money they raise to students as scholarships and to qualifying organizations as cash grants. To donate, and for further information, visit https://gcsfny.org/donate/